Either You Are Stupid...Or You Are Stupid!!!
I haven't been posting for almost a month now. There are many reasons for that actually. First, it's the holiday season, and talking about dirty politics simply doesn't fit in such a season. Second, I'm really tired and fed up of how things are going, ennu you can't help but to see a dead end, and all of us going no where. But most importantly, I haven't been blogging because lately because there is nothing ingenious going on.
But boy....was I wrong or what?!! After the Arab Foreign Ministers' meeting, the most outstanding, extremely thoughtful, wonderfully mastered, amazingly understandable explanation of that meeting came up to the surface!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the opposition's understanding of the Arab League initiative was that the next cabinet should be of a 10-10-10 formula for it to be balanced, or else it won't be fair, and it will give M14 the power to topple the government, which M8 won't accept at all costs!!!
You see, the idea seems really really really perfect, but for a simple small left-out detail! M14 can topple the Government ANYTIME they want, whether they have 14, 10 or even 6 ministers in the next Cabinet!!!!
Yes, can you believe that??!! How is such an evil thing be true??!! Well, in case you have forgotten (and somehow, this has been the trend among M8 members lately, and if you don't believe me, read the P.S. at the end of this post ) the next Prime Minister will be from M14, and all what s/he needs to do is to resign, and the government will be toppled!!!
Of course, some geniuses of M8 were able to detect such a defect in their perfect explanation, and so, they demanded that the next PM should be a neutral one, so that the evil American-Zionist M14 won't control the fate of the next government.
Let's just say -for the sake of argument- that this can happen, have you morons forgot what M14 have??!! They have the majority in the Parliament!!! They can simply and very easily WITHDRAW CONFIDENCE from the Government, and it will be toppled before you idiots even be able to say: "WHAT THE F***!!".
I just couldn't hold it inside of me much longer, especially when I see highly educated people, congratulating M8 leaders for their last stand and explanations......
P.S.: Have you guys noticed how the last M8's argument about how the constitution is to be amended (that the current government CAN'T make such amendment) has disappeared, and that no opposition leader is talking about it anymore? Weird.....huh?!
You know, many of my friends are asking and telling me "Yamen, why are you so interested about Lebanon? Why are you putting the Lebanese flag in your car? what's the hell are you following? let them down..it is their business", then I look to the situation and I say, yeah! that's true. each time we think that we, that they, have reached a solution, we find aourselevs in front of a mirage! Why am I interested in the Lebanese affair which is too complicated? it is not my business. Sometimes I feel to get a heart attack because of what is happening in Lebanon. It is not better for me to focus on my studies, work and my country Tunisia? In fact at least our Parliament is not closed. there is daily meeting, it puts laws and regulations, investors coime from all over the world to invest here in Tunisia, more than 6.5 million of tourists visited Tunisia in 2007, we do not have problems of religions, sects, miltia and political parties, we live in peace and stability.....but then I say, NO! I love Lebanon...it is really very sad that such a nice country with its rich history and beautiful sights and sounds, with its highly educated people, it is very sad that civil war is knocking on their doors....really M8 movement is making me mad and crazy, but it is also sure that politics is very complicated in Lebanon. It is unfortunately that you live in such situation, but not only you, thousands of Arabs and foreigners, lovers of Lebanon, live your fear. In such situation I can only pray God to preserve Lebanon, to keep it safe and secure and that your politicians try to make mutual compromises to reach a solution. Hoewever please note that your system should be revised because it is not logical that the government shall be formed by the majority and the opposition, the opposition must remain opposition, not to share the government's seats specially if the government is formed by the majority or after a coallition.
انت مدعو للكتابة في مدونة كل العرب
مشروع الجريدة العربية الموحدة
تكمن فكرة هذه المدونة لجمع اكبر قدر من المدونين العرب واقدرهم وافصلهم لكي يكتبو في مكان واحد
ذلك للحصول في النهاية على مدونة اشبه بالجريدة العربية تناقش القضا ياالعربية وخلافات العرب حيث ان كل الطوائف والبلاد مدعوة للكتابة
وقد تكون نقطة انطلاق للتفاهم والنقاش حول القضايا العربية المختلفة وتقابل وجهات النظر
للمشاركة ارسل ايميلك (بريدك الالكتروني) في تعليق على هذا المقال وسوف تتلقى دعوة للكتابة في هذه المدونة
مزايا الكتابة هنا :
للكاتب :
1- عدد اكبر من القراء
2- تحسين نتايج البخث لعناوين المقالات
3- انت كاتب وفي نفس الوقت قارئ تقرأ ما يكتبه كبار المدونين العرب
4- شهرة اكبر ودائما اقول ان في الاتحاد قوة وهذا هو اتحاد المدونين العرب
للقارئ :
1- القراء للمدونين الكبار تحت صفحة واحدة
2- تجميع المدونات وجعلها مث ل جريدة الكترونية
3- سهولة الوصول للمقالات المرادة
شروط الكتابة (لن يتم التعديل لو مسح اي مقال ):
1- عدم الاساءة للاديان السماوية
2- عدم نشر مقال من اجل ربح المال او التنفع المادي ولكن الشروحات مقبولة ومرحب بها
3- عدم كتابة كلام خارج او الفاظ اباحية
4- الكتابة باللغة العربية
الفكرة تتلخص في ان كل مدون له حق الكتابة فقط بارسال ايميله في تعليق على هذه المدونة
اذا كانت لك مدونتك الخاصة فلا مانع من نسخ مقالاتك الهامة والتي تراها ترقى كي تكون في الجريدة العربية الالكترونية او مدونة كل العرب
وانا شخصيا ساكتب في مواضيع مختلفة وساهتم بتحقيق افضل نتائج للبحث والحصول على اكبر قدر من الزوار حتى تصل مقالاتك لاكبر عدد من القراء
كما ان تجمع المدونين سيجيئ بقراء اكثر وهكذا
اذا كنت مدونا كبيرا فانت مدعو بشدة وان كنت صغيرا فابدا معنا
فهيا ننطلق لوحدة المدونين العرب
برجاء ارسل لنا بريدك الالكتروني كي تستطيع الكتابة في هذه المدونة
ادعو الله ان تكون هذه المدونة ملفتة لنظر القراء ومحط انظار الراي العام العربي
والله ولي التوفيق
If you can't find out what is the reason your so deeply attached to Liban, you might get the Nobel prize!!
Thanks for your care and love. Unfortunately, Liban is torn between two currents that can never meet. Until will current prevail, it seems like we are going to long live in this caoes....
As for the Lebanese system, I'm against amending it under the current instability, the only way you can adjust the system in a good way is to do it when there's stability, NOT when each party is doing its best to bend the laws to thier side....
@thanks for the Nobel Prize (I presume you are talking to me ) :)
It is so sad that you live in such instability because each party is seving foreign interests or because foreign countries turned Lebanon into a playing card. In all circumstances, be sure that there is people that will never let you down, and I will use whatever I can to help Lebanon. I hope that in the future I will be in a position from which I can serve your country, just because I love it. I have no interests.
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