Always in Our Minds....


Monday, July 31, 2006

If it is True

Israel has sent many videos showing eveidance that their was rocket-lunching truck inside the building that was bombraded in Qana, claming that they wanted to target the lunching truck and not civilinace.

Reporters from all different news agencies confirmed that they didn't see any kind of Hezbollah activity in Qana or the nearby area. But I guess as always, the whole world is lying, and only Israel says the truth!!?

I think it has become a media war, and the truth is hidden somewhere out there. In all cases, whether it was hezbollah using civillinace as human sheilds, or Israel attacking civilliance, nothing can justify killing innocent children in such barbaric way. And I from this blog condim each and every country/organization that are using/targetting innconet people, no matter who are they......

Israel thinks she can justify its latest massacre in Qana by saying they didn't know there were refugees in the building. Let me ask you this: How did you know there was rocket-lunching truck in that building but didn't notice the over 50 refugees using the building as a shelter? Or you just choose to see whatever suits you, and turn a blind eye towards the rest of the picture?

Once again, nothing can justify murder, nothing can justify Qana's massacre. And no matter how many years pass, we won't forget and we won't forgive......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1 its quite easy to detect a rocket-lunching truck firing and then hiding inside a building, but it is impossible to know if there are refugees inside that building.

2 why do you assume that news agencies have more information about fighting zones then the IDF?
maybe the IDF is lying, and maybe they know things others dont.
