Always in Our Minds....


Friday, January 12, 2007

Smart Strategy?

Well, has anyone of you ever wondered about the strategy being adapted by the opposition? And what is their main goal? Here is what I thought about earlier today...

It seems the opposition is following a strategy by which in would de-value (empty) the March 14th power points, by mimicking these power points and therefore cancelling out their effect! Here are few examples that support my theory:

Ever since the famous March 14th, 2005, March 14th ers have always bragged about their "popular support", and how they can gather a huge number from all over Liban supporting their political goals. What did the opposition do? Not only did they make a huge demonstration, but also they put up a huge number of tents, and invented a "continuous" pattern of this demonstration. By doing that, they "stole" the demonstration card from March 14th, and almost all Lebanese (particularly the neutral ones) believe now that demonstrations can lead to nothing, as both sides have the ability to gather huge numbers any time.

"I love life" campaign seemed to be working in a huge success, especially among the youth who found something they are looking for in that campaign; most of them love life, and they "wanna live" in prosperity. What did the opposition do? They made an anti-campaign of the same context. Again, Lebanese now feel sick and tired of the "millions" of billboards covering the highways with "i love life" logo, that started to seem silly and meaningless.

March 14th was very successful in making so many "local" "small" demonstrations in many parts of Liban, supporting the government, and showing ability to "stand" in the face of the opposition's trials to topple the government. What did the opposition do? They started making "local" and "small" demonstrations as well; stealing (once again) this card from March 14thers, and increasing the Lebanese public disgust from the whole concept.

March 14th MPs signed a paper, asking the Speaker of the Parliament to hold a Parliament session, accusing President Lahhoud of breaking the constitution, and asking to judge him. What did the opposition do? Their Mps signed a paper asking the Parliament Speaker to hold up a Parliament session, accusing the Prime Minister Seniora of breaking the constitution, and asking to judge him!

Could all these events be a simple coincidence? It's highly unlikely, it has developed to become a pattern, adapted by the opposition, to face March 14th efforts. Is this strategy working? You tell me what you think.....


Anonymous said...

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--Lydia Sizer

Maya@NYC said...

all is fair in love and ..politics!.. yalla let march 14 come up with another brilliant idea so that march 8 can improve it! it's called evolution!:) (not necessarily a good thing!)

FaiLaSooF said...

I agree with you maya, but ennu c'mon, can't March 8th be creative on their own? what does this steps by the opposition tell you?

I remember that FPM and HA were very creative in thier ads, what happened? lack of craetivity all of a sudden? I don't think so. It's just a way to put a "break" nothing more nothing less, what do you think?

Unknown said...

Lek even kidnapping the 2 Israeli soldiers was not an "original" they did it RIGHT after all hell broke loose in Gaza when Palestinians did a kidnapping!