Always in Our Minds....


Monday, August 14, 2006


I don't know for sure why, but I have a strong feeling of emptiness today. Cease fire seems to be effective up till now, but everybody is anxious and waiting. No body knows what will happen next. I think it's the unknown future what is making me so gloomy today.

I saw my friend Jihad today, he came from Jbeil to fix his I-mate. We had lunch and talked. It was nice, I haven't seen the guy for like two months, and it was great to catch up. We went back in memory to our last year as medical students. We also talked about the destruction in Lebanon. It used to take about 20 min. From Jbeil to Tripoli, now, it took Jihad almost 70 min.!! It's going to be a long journey to get back to how things were before July 12th.....

That's about it, nothing more to talk about, all we can do is just wait, watch TV, and see how things are going to be........

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