Always in Our Minds....


Monday, August 07, 2006

So True!


Anonymous said...

While you are trying to cure me and other Israelis of our arrogance, your country is being destroyed. By the way, how is the gas situation?

Israel is not arrogant. Israelis have successfully built a democratic, stable and technologically advanced society. When the capabilities of such a society is used this seems arrogant to you.

Get the Syrians to send a letter to the UN saying that the Sheba farms is Lebanese, and we will give it back to you. We got out of Lebanon in 2000 and the UN authorized that we left every single inch of Lebanese territory.

Grow up, arrogance is not an argument against countries. Explain to us how our interests can be served and we will listen to you. We want HA disarmed. Please give us assurances this will hapen given your dismal track record. Otherwise, I understand you want war and we will unfortunately oblige.

Anonymous said...


"While you are trying to cure me and other Israelis of our arrogance, your country is being destroyed. By the way, how is the gas situation?"

True the Country is being distroyed by your barberic state, but what is not true is that Lebanon will rise again (and no it is not poetry). By the way, Fuel and gaz are a bit in shortage, but will get them because you cant stand the pressure of the international community. keep hitting International Red Cross and you will go nowhere.

"Israel is not arrogant. Israelis have successfully built a democratic, stable and technologically advanced society. When the capabilities of such a society is used this seems arrogant to you."

DUH: Israel is not arrogant??? yeah.. true.. Despite the fact that 97% of the world opinion is against Israel, Israel is bombarding humanitarian aid convoys, civilians and UNIFIL.
You are NOT a democratic state, you a Jewish state where Ashkinaz and Sepharad TRY to co-live together. You are far from democracy.
It is not the capacities of Israel that is being used, it is the F16 and other "idiot" (as opposed to intelligent) weaponry provided by generous Uncle Sam thanks to the Jewish lobby in the US.

"Get the Syrians to send a letter to the UN saying that the Sheba farms is Lebanese, and we will give it back to you. We got out of Lebanon in 2000 and the UN authorized that we left every single inch of Lebanese territory."

Syrians is our issue to deal with. You have Never Given anything. We were able to get our right back after inflicting heavy disiaters in you.

"Grow up, arrogance is not an argument against countries. Explain to us how our interests can be served and we will listen to you."

Who the hell care if you listen to us. You only listen to war terrorists such as Sharon, Olmert, Peretw, Perez, Biguin, etc etc.. A nation built by war gurus. Dont listen, we will know how to deal with you like we did in the past.

We want HA disarmed. Please give us assurances this will hapen given your dismal track record. Otherwise, I understand you want war and we will unfortunately oblige.

Let is be an open war then. You want me to refer you to the latest headlines in haaretw or Ynet? Your soldiers are being slaughtered in south Lebanon.


Sandie said...

I am Lebanese too and my family is stuck there in safra , do u think fighting violence with violence would solve anything? I hope u are alright in tripoli, I live now in Dubai and I am extremely devastated, I feel useless just watching my country collapsing.